Words that introduce Quotes or Paraphrases

Words that introduce Quotes or Paraphrases

Take note, if you use a quote in your essay and you neglect to give the proper credit to the original source – you are committing plagiarism. At a grade school, or even a high school level, sometimes this might be overlooked as a novice error or inexperienced oversight. However, at the college level or higher, this could result in expulsion. In order to incorporate a quote into your paper, you will also need to create a corresponding reference page at the end of the essay. Often, when writing academic essays, students use direct quotes without changing any expression. But you can use any of the above-mentioned forms effectively to avoid interfering with the original citation’s actual meaning.

how to introduce a quote in an essay examples

Writers commit plagiarism when they do not use quotations for information from an outside source or provide references for quotations. Often people use the word „quotation“ and „quote“ interchangeably. The word „quote“ is often used as a verb, which refers to the act of quoting another source. The word quotation is a noun, referring to content taken from another source.

Instant Quote

This is not a comprehensive list of resources on the handout’s topic, and we encourage you to do your own research to find additional publications. how to introduce a quote in an essay examples Please do not use this list as a model for the format of your own reference list, as it may not match the citation style you are using.

In the first example, the division calls attention to the two parts of Hamlet’s claim. The first phrase states that nothing is inherently good or bad; the second phrase suggests that our perspective causes things to become good or bad. In the second example, the isolation of “Death thou shalt die” at the end of the sentence draws a reader’s attention to that phrase in particular. As you decide whether or not you want to break up a quote, you should consider the shift in emphasis that the division might create. This scenario is probably most common in literature and linguistics courses, but you might also find yourself writing about the use of language in history and social science classes. If the use of language is your primary topic, then you will obviously need to quote users of that language.

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They also told you that you need to use quotations to support your research essay. Reproduce the spelling, capitalization, and internal punctuation of the original exactly. H. Lawrence’s maxim, “Books are not life,” the first is not acceptable in some style systems.

how to introduce a quote in an essay examples

Firstly, you will need to determine the part of the secondary source that you wish to quote. For explanation purposes, the secondary source is the work that uses the quote that you wish to include in your paper – this is also referred to as an indirect quote. You can use a quote to emphasize or support your arguments. Moreover, quotes are added to provide additional insights to the topic of the paper.

Examples #2:

Burdowbelievesthat being able to write using proper English grammar is an important skill (author’s last name p.##). As the authornotes, “In an ideal classroom, both gifted children and learning disabled children should feel challenged” (p.##). Dr. Billowsaysthat being exposed to television violence at a young age desensitizes children to violence in real life (author’s last name p.##). Smith suggests that “if the introduction to your quote isn’t a dependent clause, it doesn’t need to be followed by a comma” .

In general, a quotation is a powerful tool in essay writing. There are many famous quotes available on almost all the topics like life, wisdom, knowledge, experience, etc. Relevant to your topic, you can pick the most popular quotes from any celebrities of the past or present and use them in your written assignments or speeches. According to the APA Style manual, block quotes are those that take over four lines of printed text in your essay and don’t need quotation marks. But, always check what formatting style you must use as the definition varies. “Longer” quotations should be formatted according to the expectations of a block quote. This unit of text should be positioned one half inch from the left margin, and opening and closing quotation marks are not used.

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After the quote, write 1-3 sentences explaining what the quote means, why it supports your topic sentence, and how it supports your argument overall. Don’t abuse direct quotations and insert them sparingly. Essays are always about showing your point of view. A maximum of one quote per paragraph is the unspoken rule you must remember here. If you still think you need to include another citation, paraphrase. Do not use two quotations in a row without intervening text of your own. You should always be contextualizing all of your outside material with your own ideas, and if you let quotes build up without a break, readers will lose track of your argument.

how to introduce a quote in an essay examples

If you are quoting a passage that contains a quotation, then you use single quotation marks for the internal quotation. Quite rarely, you quote a passage that has a quotation quote introduction sentence starters within a quotation. In that rare instance, you would use double quotation marks for the second internal quotation. There may be times when you need to quote long passages.

Introducing Short Quotations

You don’t need to say everything in that first paragraph. Begin a sentence with your own words, then complete it with quoted words.

You can also use square brackets to show that you changed or added some words. That is necessary if you need some previous context to understand the meaning of the quote or if you want to make sure that pronouns agree with their antecedents. You need to be careful when using quotes because your tutor wants to see how you understand the topic, not those ten field experts you have cited. Further in this article, we discuss each of these methods and give a few examples of quote introduction. You can use a lead-in naming the author or character, followed by a comma. You’ve already taken the first step in preparing by reading about and practicing how to put a quote in your essay. Read 5 Best Resources to Help With Writing a Research Paper to learn more about selecting appropriate resources.

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This handout will help you decide when and how to quote like a pro. You should also use a comma when you introduce a quotation with a phrase such as „According to Thoreau.“

Reinforcement – Quotes reinforce your argument because they offer a second voice in support of your claim. We have sent an email with a confirmation link to your email address. In order to complete the sign-up process, please click the confirmation link. If you wanted to begin a sentence with an excerpt from the middle of this quotation, there would be no need to bracket your capitalization changes. Changing verb tense or pronouns in order to be consistent with the rest of the sentence. Likewise, if you excerpt material at the end of clause that ends in a comma, retain the comma.

Verbs in Signal Phrases

When searching for a suitable quote at beginning of essay, always prioritize content over authority. In other words, a quote’s quality, contained idea, thought, message should always be more important than the figure behind it. Besides giving more freedom, this would spare you from the risk of not being original by citing the same famous personalities as everyone else.

Consider using a well-known quote, but question it. Contradict what the original author said, prove them wrong, or use it to paint an even bigger picture, analyzing their words to find a greater meaning. Additionally, choose quotes that will substantiate the content of your paper.

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